“OUR VISIONFree exchange of accurate information regarding the efficacy, safety, methodology and cost-effectiveness of weather modification activities. "
News & Upcoming Events
Recent Industry News
KSL.com: February 6, 2025
How drones could be the future in boosting Utah's precipitation
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Upcoming Association Meetings
Join us in the Spring of 2025 for the 2025 Annual Weather Modification Association Conference. More details will be posted on our Meetings page. We are looking forward to seeing members there!
What is Cloud Seeding?
Weather Modification can be both planned, as is the case in cloud seeding, or inadvertent, for example, when pollution affects visibility. Planned (deliberate) weather modification is also commonly know as cloud seeding, cloud modification, or atmospheric water management.
Current Executive Officers

Jonathan Jennings
PRESIDENTJonathan Jennings is a meteorologist for the Utah Department of Natural Resources working within the Division of Water Resources. As a WMA certified operator, Jonathan brings 13 years of experience to Utah from Texas where he ran weather modification operations in West Texas across the Concho Valley, Rolling Plains, and the Trans-Pecos regions. He was also highly involved with government relations, flare development and manufacturing, and pilot management. Jonathan is also owner and operator of Advanced Weather Modification Solutions where he provides weather modification operations, research, and consulting services. He graduated from now Penn West University (formerly California University of PA) in 2008.

David Yorty
PRESIDENT-ELECTDavid has both a bachelors and masters degree in meteorology from the University of Utah. He is enthusiastic about all aspects of meteorology and has been involved in research projects, operational programs, in-depth analysis, and weather forecasting. He enjoys the outdoors and sports including hiking, biking, and snowboarding among many others. David is employed with North American Weather Consultants.

Sean Collier
SECRETARY / TREASURERSean is hydrologist with the Southern Nevada Water Authority in Las Vegas Nevada. Sean has been with the SNWA for over 20 years where he works on projects to increase and extend southern Nevada’s supply of water from Colorado River system through land fallowing programs, computer modeling, water right management and participation in cloud seeding programs. Sean represents the SNWA’s membership on the Weather Modification Association and is also serves as the Past President of the North American Weather Modification Council.
Sean is originally from upstate NY where he graduated from State University of New York at Oneonta with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Water Resources Management.

Dan Breed
PAST PRESIDENTAfter graduating from the Atmospheric Science Department at Colorado State University, Daniel Breed worked as a research meteorologist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). During his 41-year career at NCAR, he participated in more than 40 field projects on convective storms, precipitation development, early electrification, boundary layer studies, and weather modification (hail formation, convective clouds, winter storms). He has flown more than 1000 hours as the on-board scientist during research flights, and managed the NCAR sailplane program for 10 years. During his time at NCAR and continuing today, Breed has lectured at numerous universities in the U.S. and South Africa, supervising both undergraduates and graduate students.
Weather Modification Certified Managers, Operators, Pilots and Field Technicians
WMA certifications are based on criteria that are intended to ensure the administrative, meteorological, aviation, and technical understanding, as well as commitment to ethical principles, of those conducting and managing cloud seeding operations. These principles are outlined in the ASCE guidelines for weather modification. The utilization of certified members for seeding programs is of benefit to the public, both in helping to recognize and take advantage of seeding opportunities during storm events, as well as recognizing and responding to potentially hazardous situations where seeding may not be desirable. Certification is based on criteria that include education, experience in the field of weather modification, and in-depth knowledge of the corresponding meteorological/aviation/field technician processes.
If you are interested in becoming a certified member, click the Qualifications & Procedures button below. In order to become certified, you must be a member of the Weather Modification Association.
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