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Be sure to check out the Association's Journal of Weather Modification (JWM). On the Journal site, you can access the current and archived issues.
10 Most Downloaded JWM Articles
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Bangsund, et al., 2019 - Economic Impacts of Cloud Seeding on Agricultural Crops in North Dakota
Bradley et al., 1980 - An Examination Of The Effects Of Cloud Seeding In Phase II Of The Santa Barbara Convective Band Seeding Test Program
Cardno ENTRIX, 2011 - Geochemistry and Impacts of Silver Iodide Use in Cloud Seeding
DeFelice, et al., 2013 - Extra area effects of cloud seeding — An updated assessment
Elliott, et al., 1971 - Santa Barbara Pyrotechnic Cloud Seeding Test Results 1967-70
Fisher, et al., 2018 - Assessment of Ground-Based and Aerial Cloud Seeding Using Trace Chemistry
French, et al., 2018 - Precipitation formation from orographic cloud seeding
Friedrich, et al., 2020- Quantifying snowfall from orographic cloud seeding
Griffith, et al., 2016 - Feasibility/Design Study for a Winter Cloud
Seeding Program in the Upper Cuyama River Drainage, California
Griffith, et al., 2005 - 4.1 The Santa Barbara Cloud Seeding Project in Coastal Southern California, Operations and Research Spanning More Than 50 Years
Hunter, 2007 - Optimizing Cloud Seeding for Water and Energy in California
Johnson, 1985 - An Evaluation of the North Dakota Cloud Modification Project: 1976-1982
Los Angeles County, 2009 - County of Los Angeles Weather Modification Project - Final Mitigated Negative Declaration
Neyman, et al., 1960 - Statistical Evaluation of the Santa Barbara Randomized Cloud-Seeding Experiment
North American Weather Consultants, 1975 - Santa Barbara Convective Band Seeding Test Program
North American Weather Consultants, et al., 1960 - Santa Barbara Weather Modification Project Interim Report Of The Board Of Directors
O'Dowd, 2012 - Contrails Versus Chemtrails - An interesting take on aircraft ice crystal plumes
Orville, et al., 2004 - A Response by the Weather Modification Association to the National Research Council's Report Titled "Critical Issues in Weather Modification Research"
Rauber, et al., 2019 - Wintertime Orographic Cloud Seeding—A Review
Reynolds, et al., 2017 - Enhancing Winter Orographic Snowfall in the West Through Cloud Seeding
Sacramento Municipal Utility District, 2017 - Sacramento Municipal Utility District El Dorado Cloud Seeding Expansion Project - Final Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration
Santa Barbara County Water Agency, 2013 - Santa Barbara County and Twitchell Reservoir Cloud Seeding Program CEQA Final Mitigated Negative Declaration
Santa Barbara County Water Agency, 1977 - Potentials For Yield Augmentation Through Weather Modification
Smith, et al., 2004 - Exploratory Analysis of Climatic Raingage Data for Evidence of Effects of the North Dakota Cloud Modification Project on Rainfall in the Target Area
Smith, et al., 1997 - An Exploratory Analysis of Crop Hail Insurance Data for Evidence of Cloud Seeding Effects in North Dakota
Smith, et al., 1992 - A Target·Control Analysis of Wheat Yield Data for the North Dakota Cloud Modification Project Region
Smith, 1962 - Physical Studies of the Santa Barbara Cloud Seeding Project
Stone, R.H., 2006 - “2006 Mokelumne Watershed Lake Water and Sediment Survey.” Final Report to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Technical and Ecological Services, San Ramon, Ca.
Tessendorf, et al., 2019 - A Transformational Approach to Winter Orographic Weather Modification Research: The SNOWIE Project
Thompson, et al., 1988 - Precipitation Augmentation Potential From Convection Band Cloud Seeding In Santa Barbara County, NAWC Report WM-87-7
US Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation, 2010 - Reclamation - Managing Water in the West - Environmental Assessment for the Walker River Basin Cloud Seeding Project
US Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation, 2010 - Finding of No Significant Impact Walker River Basin Cloud Seeding Project
Wang, et al., 2019 - The Extra-Area Effect in Cloud Seeding Operations during Winters of 2008–14 over Jiangxi Province, East China
Wise, 2005 - Precipitation Evaluation of the North Dakota Cloud Modification Project (NDCMP)
Xue, et al., 2013 - Implementation of a Silver Iodide Cloud-Seeding Parameterization in WRF. Part I: Model Description and Idealized 2D Sensitivity Tests
Xue, et al., 2013 - Implementation of a Silver Iodide Cloud-Seeding Parameterization in WRF. Part II: 3D Simulations of Actual Seeding Events and Sensitivity Tests
Xue, et al., 2017 - WRF Large-eddy Simulations of chemical tracer deposition and seeding effect over complex terrain from ground- and aircraft-based AgI generators
Additional Resources for Purchase
Guidelines for Operational Hail Suppression Programs, ASCE/EWRI 39-15 describes the process for designing, conducting, and evaluating operations to suppress the formation of hail. Hail is the product of vigorous, deep convection in the atmosphere. The most common approaches to hail suppression involve seeding a storm with nucleating agents using airborne, ground-based, or rocket and artillery delivery systems. Click Here to Purchase
Standard Practice for the Design, Conduct, and Evaluation of Operational Precipitation Enhancement Projects, ASCE/EWRI 42-17 provides an introduction to the history and technology of cloud seeding and describes the scientific basis for examining the efficiency of both natural precipitation and human-induced weather modifications. This standard covers design aspects of precipitation enhancement projects, including project scope, seeding agents, targeting and delivery methods, meteorological data, deployment of equipment, legal issues, and environmental concerns. Operational issues such as manuals, personnel requirements, decision-making hierarchy, communications, safety, and public relations, are considered. Finally, the components of project evaluation, including project design constraints, evaluation measures, and dissemination of results, are surveyed. Click Here to Purchase
Manuals of Practice MOP 81 (2016) 3rd Edition, supplies the practical details for implementing a cloud seeding project to enhance precipitation efficiency. This revised edition incorporates pertinent information on the background, science, and practice of weather modification developed in the last 10 years. Click Here to Purchase
Standard Practice for the Design and Operation of Supercooled Fog Dispersal Projects, ANSI/ASCE/EWRI 44-13 presents guidelines for programs aimed at dispersing supercooled fog. This standard describes the process through which supercooled fog dispersal operations should be designed, conducted, and encompasses topics such as project scope, delivery methods, seeding agent selection, targeting and delivery, and suspension criteria. Click Here to Purchase
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